- Im ME,Nuthing gonna change my life except MYSELF! FULLSTOP! haha LOL
- i love my life so much!
- Just an ORDINARY gurl!
- RelEx & cOol.
- Like to hang out with my faMily..
- chiLL with frenz.
- Joking everytime. (with PePs that cLoSe w/ mE)
- Serious sometimes. (wHeN i sLeEp)
- Happy go lucky person..
- It's kinda hard to see me moody cos i dont know how to show it;)
- Difficult to fathom and to be understood...
- Quiet unless excited or tensed.
- Love K.I.D.S!
- Easily consoled.
- Honest.
- Concerned about people's feelings.
- Tactful.
- Friendly.
- Emotional. (It's usually depends on the situation.)
- Unpredictable.
- Not revengeful.
- Forgiving but never forgets.
- Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things..
- Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
- Caring and loving...
- Treats others equally.
- Strong sense of sympathy.
- LOVES to be ALONE.
- Likes to be quiet.
- Homely person..
- loves to stay at ma home.
- watching tV and spent most of my time with ma family!!
- Not aggressive unless provoked.
- Do enjoy being a part of me!!;)