Everything I Do, I Do It For You

I'm here for...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

...Wacky Wednesday...

Good morning XATERS!
Again have to climb up the hill for my morning classes!
Baru climbing dah tired!
So i wish i can have my own DRIVER to send me till staircase!
hehehe ;)
Ok nak start this morning dgn a few hot topics!
FB nak ditutup?
xmasuk akal!
itu bg yg FB'ian tegar!
Bg iolls thats not a big problem!
ehh xbest jugak kan..
Lost contct dgn relatves!
tu semua gossip wild je tu..
snggup kew pngasas FB nak lepaskn profit yg berzuta2?
eh no no no..
Lagi satu ada dgr radio ERA on my way to college..
Masalah REMAJA yg snggup bunuh diri!
Kesian la kan..
Seriously bkn senang nak go thru alam remaja ni..
Iolls pn ada jgk few probs.
Tapi xdela sampai nak bnuh diri kan..
What I can say here is parents kena give more attention to their childrens!
At this age la anak2 bnyk gangguan dr segi mental n emosi!
Jgn xtau ye..
Remaja zaman skarang lebih NEKAD!
Tapi as a remaja n anak,kita kena fikir rasional..
Process data dlm mind before take any action!
Bkn apa.
Iolls ckp pun ikut exprience..
Gilew regret nnt kalau dah tsilap step!
So gunakan minda anda yg cerdas tu utk buat keputsan yg paling tepat!
Share pape probs yg korang ada dgn org sekeliling yg blh dpercayai...
Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya juga bg impact yg mendalam!
Dont be shy to share!
iolls ni ckp je lebih kan.
Tp 2x5 juga!
But xpela..
At least we learn from past kan!
Ignore what others wanna say!
Mulut tempayan boleh la rapatkan..
Mulut org???
Biaq pi la kan..
Yang penting kita tau apa kita buat!
Dont LEAN from experience but we LEARN from experience!
Kata2 hikmat tu!
Key word for today is be