I know we sometimes argue and
I sometimes blow my lid
But I still love you very much
I'm only just a kid...
Sometimes I need to push against
The fences you erect
Even though I know they're there
To shelter and protect...
I know you want the best for me
And to keep me from all harm
I just want you to know that I couldn't
Have a better mom...
I love you and I need you, even though
I may at times have made you tear your hair
I set myself apart, but even so
Your presence and your love are always there
You are my jail cell and ten-ton door
That keeps me from just being who I am
And so I pound the walls and go to the war
Ramming the rules that I can ram
Yet though I must rebel, all the while
I know your love's the ground on which I stand
I wait upon the flash of your proud smile
And twist inside at every reprimand
I'm sorry for the times I've caused you pain
After these brief storms, love will remain...
Mama, I love you
For all that you do
I'll kiss and hug you
'Cause you love me, too...
You feed me and need me
As much as i need you too
So smile 'cause I love you
On this MOTHER'S DAY...
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